Veggie Packed Stuffed Pepper
A healthy, vegetable packed dinner the whole family will enjoy!

Who needs a new dinner idea? Add this crockpot chicken with wine to your meal plan for a quick and
This was a winner: Crockpot Chicken with Wine, healthy, delicious, and super fast in the crockpot. It can be served with pasta or...

Holy Candy, Batman! A Dietitian's Perspective On Enjoying Halloween With Kids
Every year about this time, I get asked A LOT about my thoughts on Halloween (aka all that candy in my house). Let me tell you how I...

Nothing Says Fall Like Apples and Cinnamon
The smell alone of apples and cinnamon baking in the oven should make you want to try this recipe. Your house will smell amazing and,...

Banana Oat Muffins
These are one of our fan faves - mini banana muffins with oats and a few mini chocolate chips thrown in. Using whole oats, whole wheat...

Strawberry Sprinkles: Just in time for the Holiday Weekend
Easy, fast, healthy, AND yummy! These little treats caught me completely off guard. I'll be honest, I was a little hesitant to try...